Welcome to April 2024 Proposal Review! These calls are a time for proposal authors with active proposals to present their proposals and answer questions from the community before they move through the voting process in the current cycle.

The proposal discussed in this calls is currently in the Request for Comments (RFC) phase of the governance process and will move on to the Formal Review phase of governance, including a Snapshot poll, Monday next week (February 19th). View the complete proposal cycle schedule here: https://github.com/radicle-foundation/radworks-governance/blob/main/manual.md#proposal-cycles

(0:46) Announcements

Proposal Review Calls will be moved to the 2nd MONDAY on the cycle moving forward!

March Governance Committee Update: https://community.radworks.org/t/03-2024-governance-committee-update/3527

Feedback: Annual Org Proposal Timeline: https://community.radworks.org/t/feedback-requested-annual-org-proposal-timeline/3525

(4:58) Recent Proposals

✨ [RGP-23] Start the Radicle Integrations & Tooling Org: This Executable proposal originally failed to meet quorum. After receiving approval from the community via Discourse poll to resubmit the proposal onchain for an emergency vote, the proposal was PASSED✅ with 4.38M $RAD in support of the proposal. See final results: https://www.tally.xyz/gov/radworks/proposal/22

✨ [RGP-24] Governance Improvements Proposal 2.0: This Social proposal PASSED✅ with 5M $RAD in support of the proposal. See final results: https://snapshot.org/#/gov.radworks.eth/proposal/0x296a8f428d0d5d86cc97827d7c7d7dff97ad5f49fb9f8ec78d6c54ef42fe63f8

(6:49) See overview of all changes to the monthly proposal cycles that came with the passing of RGP-24.

(10:30) Current Proposals

[RGP-25] Start the Radworks Seed Network (RSN) Org: This is an Executable proposal that would create the RSN Org. The purpose of this org is to provide seed node services that makes hosting and fetching content from Radicle simple & performant for any developer.


(18:08) What are the target audiences for both the centralized and decentralized node services?

(26.42) What happens if protocol stops working? How do you plan to work with the Radicle team to solve issues?

(32:56) RAD Utility: How do you think Radicle users or outsiders will perceive this added utility to the RAD token in relation to Radicle?

(41:48) What will be the setup of Association and the distinction between it and the team you are trying to hire?

(45:57) What should RAD token holders expect in regards to the change in value proposition of the RAD token that a new utility model would have? How do you plan to have the community validate the utility model that the Tokenomics Working Group will be developing?