<aside> ❗ The idea of an “Org Proposal” emerges as a necessary design component of Radicle’s new ecosystem design. It defines what an Org is and provides RadicleDAO stakeholders with the necessary context on why the Org exists. This proposal ultimately will be what governance participants will use to decide if an Org should be funded by the Treasury or not. This is a document with two purposes: 1) act as an initial draft for a Org Proposal Template that can be used by Radicle’s emerging Orgs (RGP, EGF/Radicle Institute, Foundation, and Core Dev) 2) provide a space for defining the details (and outstanding design questions) of the Core Dev Org itself.


<aside> ❓ OPEN QUESTIONS are questions that I think can drive our design process. I think we should get all of these questions together, and prioritize which ones to solve first.


Proposal Title: Core Development Org

Proposal Contributors

@shelb_ee, Shelb_ee#9785 @Louiegrey, louiegrey#0425

@abbey, abbey#5646

@matty, Matty#6222

@ange, ange#8727


This proposal outlines

Core Development Org

Mandate: The role of this Org is to support and fund core development of the Radicle project. This Org will replace the role of the Foundation Council in funding & coordinating the work of Radicle’s Core Teams.

These Core Teams:

Vision: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOrQRxAY=/ (I’m not sure if this is only Core Dev or if we need to do one with Core Teams only)