Welcome to July 2024 Proposal Review! These calls are a time for proposal authors with active proposals to present their proposals and answer questions from the community before they move through the voting process in the current cycle.

The proposal discussed in this calls is currently in the Request for Comments (RFC) phase of the governance process and will move on to the Formal Review phase of governance, including a Snapshot poll, on Monday next week (July 15th). View the complete proposal cycle schedule here: https://github.com/radicle-foundation/radworks-governance/blob/main/manual.md#proposal-cycles

(0:34) Announcements

Proposal Review Calls will be moved to the 2nd MONDAY on the cycle moving forward!

June Governance Committee Update: https://community.radworks.org/t/06-2024-governance-committee-udpate/3572

Q2 Community Call on July 24th: https://discord.com/events/841318878125490186/1219621486742999090.

(02:19) Current Proposals

✨**[RGP-17] Update Governance Contracts to OZ Governor:** This is an Executable proposal that will execute the upgrade from Radworks’ current governance contracts (Compound Governor Alpha) to Open Zeppelin Governor with the assistance of the ScopeLift team. This upgrade will introduce more security and modularity into the governance system. The initial proposal approving this work passed in October 2023.


(17:40) What tools & integrations are being used the most with OZ Governor across the industry?

There were a lot of great questions that were already asked on the Social Proposal posts back in October. They are linked here if anyone wants to go back and review them:

Discussion Post: https://community.radworks.org/t/discussion-rgp-17-upgrade-governance-contracts-from-compound-alpha-to-open-zeppelin-governor/3386

Formal Review: https://community.radworks.org/t/formal-review-rgp-17-upgrade-governance-contracts-from-compound-alpha-to-open-zeppelin-governor/3402